Translation can help you reduce barriers to intercultural communication. Language is a gift, please share with us.
We have experienced translators and have been certified. We have played different roles in the industry, including internal translators and translators, project managers, freelance translators and translators.
For the documents to be translated/revised, we have studied the background information (for example, understanding the relevant companies/brands/activities) and paid attention to common terminology in both languages to ensure accuracy, style, correct use of terminology and consistency with existing materials (if any).
Existing translations to be revised will be comprehensively reviewed by examining the accuracy, consistency, style and applicability of simplified Chinese translations against the English original.
We provide translation services in political, economic, medical, real estate and other fields. Please feel free to contact us!
Published On: September 15th, 2020 / Categories: Chinese translation, Services, Writing&Translation /

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