Application for WeChat official account ( is not related to nationality.Apply for WeChat subscription account only need personal identification information, email, etc.To apply for WeChat service requires authentication, personal identification information, email and business license and other relevant information.WeChat official account ( is the WeChat public platform, is a new service platform for individuals, enterprises and organizations to provide business services and user management capabilities.

WeChat official account application steps are as follows:(You need to prepare a normal use mailbox)

1,Login WeChat official account website(,Click to register:

2.Select the type of WeChat official account ( to be registered,Here is an example of subscription account;(Attention:Ubscription account can publish a message every day, displayed in the WeChat subscription account column, service requires monthly release four, can be displayed directly in the WeChat dialog box)

3、After selecting, follow the diagram steps to fill in the information, email guarantee authenticity, easy to receive verification code and later use;

4.The next step is to complete a series of personal or corporate information to use.

Attention:One mailbox can only apply for one WeChat official account (

Hope that the above can help you understand the Chinese market faster.

Published On: September 15th, 2020 / Categories: Digital market, Services, Wechat market /

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