Chinese social media platforms are also coming into play——Since the lifting of the pandemic, China’s economy has clearly begun to recover. After the CIIE, the Chinese government once again emphasized its basic national policy of opening up to the outside world For foreign companies who want to enter the Chinese market, this is good news. For the world, the Chinese market is a market full of opportunities, especially now after the end of the pandemic.

At the same time, Chinese social media platforms have played a vital role in the process of foreign companies entering the Chinese market.

What are Chinese social media platforms?

Social media is a platform for people to exchange opinions, share views, and record and share daily life. Currently, popular social media platforms in China include Douyin, Xiaohongshu, Weibo, and Kuaishou. Due to the universality of Chinese social media platforms, these platforms have burst out with strong energy, and even official media such as People’s Daily and CCTV have begun to enter social media platforms to gain more attention.

Chinese social media – the main tool to help foreign capital expand its influence

Mass foundation is crucial for a company. If a company wants to establish a mass foundation, Chinese social media platforms are undoubtedly an important tool – the vast majority of Chinese people are currently active on social media platforms. Douyin has 1.06 billion registered users, with 770 million daily active users; Xiaohongshu currently has 200 million active users, and various businesses have begun to enter, with advertising revenue reaching RMB 24 billion; Weibo’s monthly active users reached 528 million, with advertising revenue of USD 427 million.

For a company, social media platforms can help it get closer to the people. Unlike traditional advertising, it can present products in an intuitive way, making it easier for customers to accept.
Why is social media marketing more easily accepted by people?

Xiaohongshu’s live broadcast room

Compared with other forms of online marketing such as search engines and email, social media marketing is based on a trust-based dissemination mechanism and high user participation, which can more effectively influence consumers’ decision-making, even if users are not shopping when they visit social platforms. Social media platforms can still enable businesses to achieve better conversions. Additionally, by sharing useful industry-related knowledge, interacting with netizens and reaching consensus, and continuing to share, social media provides ample opportunities for brands to be spread and amplified, helping foreign companies enter the Chinese market more smoothly.

Today, social media’s power is still being magnified on internet platforms and has become a new platform for business competition. Moreover, Chinese social media platforms are more budget-friendly for small and medium-sized enterprises due to their cost-saving characteristics.

Specific advantages of social media marketing include:

Meeting various strategies of enterprises

Regardless of the strategy planned by the enterprise on Chinese social media platforms, social media can meet their needs. Compared with traditional hard advertising, product placement is more natural, and market research is more convenient. The most important thing is that “viral marketing” can be more smoothly implemented.


Achieving precise marketing

After preparing for entering the Chinese market, companies can locate their target audience based on user scenarios, income levels, and other attributes. If the company’s marketing budget is insufficient, they can focus their main budget on Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, or some provincial capitals. Furthermore, with the development of the internet age, social platform users are more willing to share and obtain information proactively, forming the power of the masses. During this process, as long as the company’s product is of high quality, with a little more patience, they can achieve traffic monetization.

Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen have huge markets, and the concentration of the younger generation population is increasing.

Timely interaction with users

The weakness of traditional hard advertising is that it gives people a sense of superiority. The worst thing for a product is to be disconnected from the masses. High-end advertisements can give people a sense of detachment from reality. Social media platforms can make advertisements based on users’ specific needs and interact with users in a timely manner, getting closer to the users, which can enhance the brand’s reputation. This not only gets closer to customers but also establishes a favorable impression of the brand.

Traditional TV advertisements are not close to consumers

In conclusion, if you are a foreign company, China’s social media platforms can help you take the perfect step to enter the Chinese market. Additionally, China’s large population and huge market potential can bring good development to your enterprise.

Published On: April 10th, 2023 / Categories: Blog /

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