5 Tips of Baidu seo in 2021
In 2021, the coronavirus is still prevalent in the world, and the door for foreigners to do business in China is becoming tighter and tighter. In this year, more and more foreigners are moving their business in China to the Internet, making more use of Baidu, Baidu SEO, wechat marketing and other Internet methods to promote their business. This year, overseas cloud computing, network security, IT, online education, network investment and other industries have achieved great development in the Chinese market. Based on the characteristics of the Internet in these industries, Baidu is the best choice for them to enter the Chinese market. And Baidu SEO which means baidu search engine optimization is a very good choice.
- So what is Baidu, Baidu SEO?
- Why do these overseas industries choose Baidu rather than other ways of marketing activities when doing business in China?
- How do foreign companies carry out Baidu SEO?
- Where can foreigners learn Baidu SEO knowledge?
- How do foreign companies choose local SEO companies in China?
These are all topics of interest to marketers or bosses of companies still doing business in China in 2021. Here are Domatters’s answers for these questions, one by one, based on years of marketing experience in China, SEO experience on Baidu, and understanding of the global and Chinese economy during COVID-19.
1.What is Baidu and why do businesses in China need Baidu

6 difference between baidu and google
For anyone already doing business in China, you must be familiar with baidu, because it’s almost a marketing battleground you can’t avoid. For people who come to China to do business, Baidu is the English version of Google. In addition to those who do B2C e-commerce retail, which may be more likely to consider facebook, Amazon and other platforms to promote their business, most companies need Google to expand their business. The same thing in China, where companies that do B2C e-commerce retail are more likely to choose platforms like Taobao, JD.com, or wechat. Most companies need Baidu marketing, especially for industries that rely on the Internet such as cloud computing, IT, and online education, online invest.
Despite the rapid growth of platforms such as wechat, Douyin and Taobao, Baidu remains an important portal for Chinese netizens to access the Internet and learn about information. Every Chinese who goes online, always can’t avoid using search engines for information search. This kind of feeling is just like that foreigners go directly to Amazon for shopping and Facebook for contacting friends, but they still go to Google for weather, information, research, answers and other behaviors. When Chinese people do this, the tool they often use is Baidu.
Regardless of the country, people’s buying habits are basically similar. Always doing some compare before you buy. Search the Internet for word of mouth and compare products and services from different companies. Chinese buying habits are the same, so there is a need to build word of mouth and visibility on the Internet, and Baidu is an important way to build word of mouth and visibility on China Internet.
For some special industries, such as medical care, network security, Internet investment and so on, the Internet is a sensitive industry in China. If they want to operate in China, they will encounter obstacles through general marketing channels. For example, for wechat, Weibo, foreign enterprises who are in those sensitive industries are prohibited from advertising. While content marketing is feasible, Baidu SEO is often very suitable for these special industries.
2.Why do you choose Baidu SEO over Baidu PPC or other Baidu products when doing business in China
First of all, this conclusion does not apply to wealthy overseas companies. If your company is strong, has a sufficient budget, does not care about spending more money, and wants to quickly seize the market throughout the year, then Baidu PPC, also known as Baidu pay-per-click advertising must be a good choice. However, the enterprises targeted in this paper are mostly overseas companies that have just entered the Chinese market and want to test the waters of the Chinese market with limited corporate budgets. Compared with Baidu PPC, Baidu SEO is a more cost-effective solution.
First, Baidu orginic result including a lot info under Baidu’s own
We first analyze the distribution of Baidu search results, generally each page of search results presents 10 natural results + 1 to 5 advertising. Advertising is ranked at the top or the bottom. In the middle of the 10 results, many in the front are baidu’s own, such as Baidu Baijiahao, Baidu Tieba, Baidu Know, Baidu Q&A, Baidu Experience, Baidu Love purchase, Baidu Pictures and so on. Baidu’s result would occupy about 40% posiztion. This feature of Baidu and Google are very different, in Google’s natural results are basically not Google’s own results. In the face of this situation, doing some Baidu SEO through Baidu Post bar, Baidu Baijiahao and other channels for their own company with some content publicity, it is easy to get their own company information exposure and ranking.
Second, Chinese people prefer natural result
Secondly, we have to understand another fact. With the improvement of the quality of Chinese Internet users, more and more people will give priority to the natural ranking in the search results, because they believe that the natural ranking of the top companies, relatively speaking, the test of time and market identification. Especially after the Wei Zexi incident, Chinese netizens always have a bias towards Internet advertising and feel that advertising is not so reliable.
3. Baidu SEO Skills for foreigner
If your company has own marketing team or SEO specialist, it is very easy to do Baidu SEO. Through there are many differences between Baidu and Google (see another domatters blog post), with those search engine company growth, their algorithms and standards become more and more similar. Here are some specific Baidu SEO skills we domatters recommend.
Baidu webmaster account

First sign up for a Baidu Webmaster account, which is just like Google Analytical tools. Through Baidu webmaster tool, we can view website data, submit url to Baidu spider, submit sitemap and so on. The login address of baidu webmaster is www.ziyuan.baidu.com
Secondly, www2.Baidu.com is the website of Baidu advertising promotion, but we can use the keyword query tool in Baidu promotion tools to find Chinese keywords, which is very similar to Google advertising search keywords. The keyword tool at www2.baidu.com is free, but it works just as well as using the Ahrefs or SeoMoz paid tools to find keywords.
Again, after we have baidu webmaster tools that can view website data, and do a good job of Chinese keyword research, the next step is specific optimization. In general, Baidu optimization and Google optimization, is divided into internal and external optimization. Site optimization includes site speed, CSS/JS code optimization, H1, Meta Info optimization, image optimization and so on. And externational optimization, the main is to do Chinese link building. Of course, it’s easy to say, but it takes some experience and skills to actually operate it. For specific tips about Baidu SEO, you can check domatters’ blog about another Baidu SEO tips. Or contact the Domatters team for a PDF of Baidu SEO tips.
Finally, do Baidu SEO must not forget to publish some company content in baidu Tieba, Baidu Know, Baidu Baijiahao or Sina Weibo, Zhihu and other platforms which has high authority. It’s a great way to get exposure.
4.Where to learn more about Baidu SEO for foreigners?
Generally, most of the content related to Baidu SEO is described in Chinese, if you are proficient in Chinese, then congratulations to you. You can easily find a lot of content on the Internet in China, the more well-known Baidu SEO China website or group, for example China webmaster Home, –www.chinaz.com, China Aizhan website– www.aizhan.com, Of course you can also use the Google Translate tool to understand the Chinese Baidu SEO documents shared on those SEO site. In addition to the website, bilibili, China’s version of YouTube, has a number of Chinese SEO bloggers sharing Baidu SEO videos, some with English letters.
If you do not speak Chinese, there are also some English Baidu SEO blogs worth recommending. First of all, Domatters will regularly share some knowledge of Baidu SEO on its own blog. If you like our content, please remember to forward it to your colleagues or friends.
5.How do foreigners choose a professional Chinese SEO agency

In China,there are a large number of good and bad SEO companies. In Chinese words, SEO industry water is very deep. For foreigners who are unfamiliar with China, it is easy to be fooled. Some Chinese SEO companies charge by month, some charge by keyword, and some offer to charge by effect, they provide a lot different Baidu seo packages. If you want to find a reliable Chinese SEO company in an unfamiliar environment or field, reading Domatters’ advice will help you a lot.
The most direct way is to use the Chinese “百度SEO” this word to search in www.baidu.com. Those natural result in the front are often more reliable. The problem with this method is that most of the companies you searched, they don’t have anyone who speaks English. So this method requires you knowing some Chinese yourself. Otherwise communication will have obstacles. When cooperation with them, these companies are generally have no English contract.
The second is to go to China’s SEO BBS inside to find. Those China SEO companies sho are doing adversiting in China seo bbs are reliable. They can provide good Baidu SEO services, but the premise is that you must understand a little Chinese, Otherwise cooperation is also very troublesome.
Finally, China Domatters Digital Marketing Agency, we also provide Baidu SEO services, except the medical industry, for other legitimate industries we can help you to rank the core keywords in Baidu’s top 5 in about 40 days. Please write an email to support@domatters.com to ask for successful Baidu SEO cases.