The Covid-19 has prevented tourists from traveling, but Domatters Digital Marketing China, think the online travel business and the e-commerce business for tourism and creative products are not affected,and should be encouraged Tourism agencies are innovating their tourism products in accordance with the new situation in the development of the Covid-19, and carrying out the appropriate tourism business during this period.

And if you want to enter and expand China’s market, there are some useful information and tips for you:

1.tourism companies use their free time to practice their internal skills

Although the Covid-19 has caused tourism enterprises to go out of business, as the online company known, many tourism companies are spending time practicing their internal skills, and they should be encouraged to carry out research and development, training and other work during the break to solve the current problems of insufficient creative development, experience to be improved and service optimization.


2. Conducting online training

Tourism agencies, mainly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and most of them need to improve the professional skills and quality of their employees. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the tourism industry association can make use of the free time during the epidemic when tourism enterprises are closed to develop online training for tourism personnel. However, The program, which organizes online training for tourism professionals by the best teachers, can also be held to address outstanding issues or hot topics in the tourism industry. Online lectures and encourage tourism companies that have the means to conduct in-house online training.

3. Encourage the development of online tourism

With the development of the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies, high technology has an increasingly far-reaching impact on the development of tourism, for example the digital marketing company-domatters. Tourism companies can use pictures, video, VR, 360-degree holograms, so that people can travel around the world without leaving home, both as a tourism product to achieve part of the revenue, but also to create an online promotional platform.


4. Piloting online study tours

In recent years, study tours have developed rapidly and become a very popular new format in the tourism industry. Tourism agencies can cooperate with schools and focus on developing high-quality online study travel products.

5.Develop tourism cultural and creative products e-commerce business

In recent years, the typical representative of the Forbidden City Wenchuang tourism Wenchuang products have been a great success, and become a new growth point in the tourism industry, around the cultural Heritage departments have built their own teams or cooperated with creative design agencies to develop cultural and creative products, but most of the results are unsatisfactory. So domatters recommend that cultural and tourism departments at all levels should promote cooperation between cultural heritage institutions and excellent creative design agencies and tourism agencies during the development of the COVID-19. Select unique cultural IPs with market competitiveness and implement local “Cultural Tourism Gift Development Program” to develop high quality tourism cultural and creative products and develop the tourism and cultural products e-commerce business.


Expect the article may help you, and if you need more information, please feel free  contact us.

Published On: September 11th, 2020 / Categories: Blog, Travel Overseas /

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